Handguns Heckler and Koch USP-45 Semi-Automatic Handgun -
Meprolight Tritium Night Sights - Insight Technology M3 Tactical Illuminator - Gemtech Blackside Suppressor (Mission
Specific Usage)
Assault Carbines Colt M4A1 Assault Carbine - Rail
Interface System - Meprolight M21i Holographic Reflex Sight - SureFire M500AB Tactical Illuminator - AN/PEQ-2 Laser
Designator - Gemtech M4-02 Pirahna Suppressor - BlackHawk S.W.I.F.T. Sling Harness
Remington 870 Tactical (Mission Specific Usage) - SureFire M500AB Tactical
Illuminator - Mesa Tactical Urban Sentry US-2 Sling Harness - TacStar 6-round Side Saddle Shell Holder
Rifles Sage International Mk14 Mod 0 Enhanced
Battle Rifle - Aimpoint COMPM4 Red Dot Sight - AN/PEQ-2 Laser Designator - BlackHawk S.W.I.F.T. Sling Harness -
Gemtech HVT Suppressor
Remington 700 ADL/S (Chambered .30-06 Springfield) (Mission Specific Usage) -
Uncle Mike's Buttstock Shell Holder - Harris Inc. Bipod - Leupold Optics Mark 4 ER/T 8.5-25x50 millimeter Rifle Scope
- Butler Creek Flip-Down Lens Covers - Leupold Optics Mark 4 Anti-Reflection Device - Gemtech HVT
Suppressor - Remington Sling
Knights Armament Mk11 Mod 0 Sniper Rifle Weapon System (Mission Specific Usage) -
Uncle Mike's Buttstock Shell Holder - Harris Inc. Bipod - Leupold Optics Mark 4 ER/T 8.5-25x50 millimeter Rifle Scope
- Butler Creek Flip-Down Lens Covers
- Leupold Optics Mark 4 Anti-Reflection Device - Gemtech HVT
Suppressor - BlackHawk S.W.I.F.T. Sling Harness
Barrett M107 Anti-Material Rifle (Chambered in .50 BMG) (Mission Specific
Usage) - Leupold Optics Mark 4 ER/T 8.5-25x50 millimeter Rifle Scope - Butler Creek Flip-Down Lens Covers
- Leupold Optics Mark 4 Anti-Reflection Device - Barrett Bipod - Gemtech Stormfront Suppressor
X-26 Advanced Taser ASP 21" Expandable Tactical Baton
M67 Fragmentary
Anti-Personnel Grenades (Mission Specific Usage) AN/M14 Magnesium Thermate Incendiary Grenades AN/M18 White/Green/Yellow/Red
Smoke Grenades (Mission Specific Usage) Flash Bang Grenades (Mission Specific Usage) CS/CN-DM Gas Grenades (Mission
Specific Usage)
M72 Light Anti-Armor Weapon (Mission Specific Usage) Mk134 Satchel Charge (Mission Specific Usage) Mk134
Satchel Breaching Shape Charge (Mission Specific Usage)
SOG Pentagon Combat/Utility Knife SOG Tsunami Combat/Utility
Knife Smith and Wesson Black Ops Assisted Opening Folding Knife