The following terms and conditions will apply if you so choose to roleplay with
me and my character. Understand, I am not doing this to be a prick, but it has to be done to alleviate any confusion
from those that are too stupid to roleplay properly. If you can understand what is said in the above disclaimer, feel
free to continue on. If you don't like it? Go somewhere else and cry. I am not your friend, social worker,
or religious representative, therefore I do not give a shit about your feelings. I do not play well with others, I have
a short temper, and I will not hesitate to make you cry.
Fair warning, can be a cynical asshole if provoked.
#1: This is probably the most important of all of them. The style in which I roleplay is Turn Based
Logic. This means, you do not splice the posts of other players to attempt to beat their action. I do
NOT Speed Sim. I do NOT Dice either. If you are playing in the New Rhydin, you
are expected to play in this fashion. If you are descriptive, logical, and can be polite and wait for other players
to finish posting, I will more than likely be willing to roleplay with you.
Term #2: I do not accept mun consent.
This means, if you claim that my character is incapable of killing your character because you cannot consent to their death,
expect to be ignored. If a fictional character dies, get over it, create a new one. It's happened to even the
best of us. Such is life if you expect to play realistically.
Term #3: I do not accept powers, magical
or otherwise. I don't give two shits if you claim your character is a Demon Lord with the power to kill with just a
look. You play a power, expect to have me warn you once, and then berate you about it for an hour before ignoring you.
#4: Your character has no way of knowing mine is a government consultant unless they work with him or he has
made that knowledge available to them. Garnering that information from a webpage, and attempting to use it In Character
will not fly.
Term #5: If you cross-roleplay, expect to be ignored. I really dislike people that cannot
separate Out of Character from In Character. If I tell you something Out of Character, it is for your personal reference,
not the knowledge of your character. However, if I tell you something In Character, it is fair game.
Term #6:
God moding. I absolutely, cannot and will not tolerate God moding. So for those of you who claim that you dodged
a bullet which has a muzzle velocity of 3250 feet per second, don't expect me to accept your play. Furthermore, expect
me to disregard your character, and ignore you.
Term #7 Body Armor can only stop certain ammunition types.
So don't go around claiming your NIJ Threat Level IIIA vest can stop a .30-06 Springfield Armor Piercing cartridge.
It doesn't work, unless the vest has NIJ Threat Level IV plate in it. With this said, there is only a certain number
of hits a vest can take before it ceases to offer ballistics protection.
Term #8 If you intend on attempting
to have your character shoot mine, you better at least have some sense of how the weapon functions. Furthermore, a "9mm"
or ".45" are not guns. They are calibers of ammunition. So if you post having your character attack mine with
a "9mm" I am going to react as if a bullet was thrown. It's just that simple. However, a "Glock Model 17" is an
acceptable 9mm weapon, and a "Colt M1911A1" is an acceptable .45-caliber weapon. With this said, I also expect
you to know how it works. This includes those who shall roleplay the usage of firearms, explosives, and whatever other
form of equipment your character attempts to use.
Term #9 I am twenty-three years old. You ain't at least eighteen years old?
Don't expect me to play with you. I don't need to get nasty letters from parents about how I scarred their sixteen year
old for life by depicting a graphic, and very gruesome death upon your character. If you are under eighteen, but show
some sign of maturity or intelligence, maybe I will play with you, but don't expect any relationship between your character
and mine.
Term #10 I am married. In other words, if you want to try to get to know me out of character,
and are a female, it ain't going to work. I have female friends, yes, but I don't need someone trying to find out
shit about me. Deal with it.
Term #11 Just because you see me online, do not assume I am on for the purpose of
roleplaying. So I really don't need to hear the IC/OOC drama of a bunch of idiots. This is my only screen name,
and therefore it gets old when I get the result of spam wars, and OOC bitching.
Term #12 If I do choose to ignore
you, fucking deal with it.